Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit Review | My Personal Experience During Covid
Hi friends, Today I am going to share my experience with Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit . In this COVID pandemic, we have suffered a lot even my family was also got infected from Coronavirus including me. It was a really horrible time for us. We have decided to take care of ourselves at home due to the COVID pandemic chaos. And we included Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit . Let's find out my review here. Divya Swasari Coronil Kit Price: Rs. 545 for 117 gm What the Brand Claims About Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit (Immunity Booster) Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit includes Coronil tablet, Swasari vati and Anu taila. Coronil tablet helps to boost immunity. Swasari works on strengthening the respiratory system and cures the obvious corona symptoms, including cough, cold, and fever. Anu Taila, the nasal drop has a soothing impact on the skin's surface as well as works internally in cooling the brain and nerves. According to Acharya Balkrishna, CEO of Patanjali Ayurveda, an Ayurve...